Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Happy Accident!




I have been craving Craisins! oceanspray_cran

You know dried cranberries. So off I went to Wal-Mart to do my shopping. I saw ocean Spray Craisins on sale, so I just reached up and grabbed a bag. After I got home I unloaded my gazillion shopping bags,I found my craisins I had been craving for so long…..Only to realize Ocean Spray saw fit to make Cherry FLAVORED craisins. 00231CF

Why oh why would you do that?? Because they had dried cherries , but I wanted dried cranberries! I don’t really care for cherries.  So,what to do, what to do? I was planning on making orange and cranberry scones but I did not think orange and cherry would be that good.  So I had to figure out what to do with them now that I had them. Well of course ,cherry and vanilla cookies! So here is the recipe,in case you should find yourself in the same predicament.



Cherry Vanilla Cookies



3/4 cup sugar

3/4 cup brown sugar

1 cup un-salted butter (softened)

1 Tblsp  vanilla (real)

2 eggs

1 tsp salt

1 tsp baking soda

2 1/4 cup flour

1 to 2 cups cherry flavored craisins



Pre-heat oven to 350*

In mixing bowl cream together sugar and butter until light and fluffy.8bfd762d76d00ad2

Add eggs and vanilla and mix well.

Mix dry ingredients together and reserve 1 cup ,add with mixer on low,so you don’t wear the flour. Mix craisins in with the cup of reserved flour, Add  to mixture on slow until well blended.  On parchment lined cookie sheets, dedb7e55a2042394

spoon out Tbls sized balls 12 per pan and bake for 8 to 10 minutes. Should make 3 dozen cookies.  These are addictive!




For the update on the floor….

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After much sanding  and a LOT of vacuuming and mopping and cleaning and any other mode of cleaning you would like to add that means it was a mess!  floor 015

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Look at how good it looks!!!

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It was really messy,but WOW! It was worth it!

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It is not perfect , but then again neither is the rest of the house!

It gives it character!

Well, come on back and we’ll sit a spell!

I am going to go have some milk and cookies!

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