Strangely enough I think the difference is tomatoes and the type of meat used.
My Mom fixed beef stew just about once a week. She fixed it with leftover roast beef and the vegetables and gravy. This to me is beef stew,gravy with the meat and vegetables not a broth.
My recipe is not really a recipe but an formula.
Classic Beef Stew
2 cups or so left over roast beef chopped up
(you can use stew meat but the secret to this is to chop your meat in small pieces,coat with flour and brown well. This will give the meat a roasted flavor that you get from using left over roast)
1 onion chopped
2 carrots chopped
2 potatoes chopped,1 rib celery chopped
1/2 cup corn
1/2 cup peas
1 can green beans ( I always have some left over from a meal, I put them in a container in the freezer and save them for this occasion , If you have cooked your roast with onions and potatoes and carrots or if you served corn ,peas and they are left over use them and add more as needed.)
Left over gravy
1 can beef stock
Mix all things together in crock pot and cook for 8 hours on low or 4 hours on high. If it is not thick enough you may use some cornstarch to thicken. Check for salt and pepper,add to taste.
It should have gravy and not be brothy.
Lanita’s Vegetable Beef Soup
This is where your leftover vegetables come in to play. I have a gallon size zip lock bag that I keep in my freezer. Anytime I have a spoonful of vegetables leftover I put in the bag. Even chopped tomatoes from salad or anything you would put in soup.When it is full I make soup.
1 lbs hamburger
1 onion chopped
1 clove garlic chopped
2 cans chopped tomatoes
1 can beef broth
salt & pepper to taste
Vegetables of your choice here is a list I have used:
cabbage,corn,beans(any) spinach,carrots ,celery,potatoes,squash,
Just make sure all vegetables are chopped about all the same size so it cooks at the same time.
Brown hamburger with chopped onion and garlic Drain grease and put in crock pot,then add all other ingredients add water if needed to bring liquid level up to cover vegetables.
Cook for about 8 hours on low or 4 hours on high. You may add any spices you like depending on vegetables used. The end result should be very brothy .
Now all that is needed to complete either soup is some nice crusty bread to sop up gravy and or broth. I have chosen European Peasant bread.
European Peasant Bread
1 1/2 cups warm water
2 teaspoons yeast
2 teaspoons salt (kosher)
1/4 cup rye flour
1/4 cup wheat flour
3 cups all purpose flour
In stand mixer mix yeast and water and salt and stir till blended.
With dough hook on add flour until incorporated and smooth.
Turn out dough and put in large bowl.
Cover with towel or plastic wrap and let sit for about 2 hours.

You may bake on baking stone or in a bread pan . I am using a pan this time . Butter pan and shape dough so that it is smooth on top,place in pan. Put slashes on top of dough and cover for about 30 minutes while oven heats to 450* .
After oven is heated put a broiler pan in lower rack and fill with water. When oven has heated and dough has risen put bread in and shut oven door quickly to keep steam in. Bake for 35 minutes or until bread springs back when touched.
We Had such a good time with our family this year! Here are just a few pictures to enjoy!
I’ll be crawling soon!
I got to get me some Ryan time! He is very excited about this you can tell!
Zack opening his gifts!

Ryan with all of his!
Jessica she liked hers!
Brandon liked His!
Julia liked hers!
Joe!! He like it!
Miranda! She loved it!
Mike! He looked happy about it!
Zack “Reading how to put it together”
Uncle Mike and Aunt Randa playing with the boys!
The big kids playing,
A good time was had by all!
We ,well really Steve is in the process of refinishing the kitchen floor. We had parquet
down but it had the original hardwood under it and we wanted to have that all throughout the house.
It has a lot of adhesive from the parquet floor we put down but there is a old layer of linoleum under that. So far the best way Steve has found to get the glue off is to pour boiling water on it and then scrape . I’ll post pictures when it is we polyurethane it!
So long for now see you soon!